Covid Update

24 Jun 2021 by Laura Hall

Following the NSW Government’s updated Public Health Order (PHO), we will require the following changes to be implemented at all football events with immediate effect:

1. Masks – Anyone attending football matches/training must wear a mask and remove it only for strenuous physical activity (i.e. warming up, training, playing a match or refereeing). Exemptions still apply for children under 12, people with autism or intellectual disabilities and other health conditions.

2. Changerooms – All Kolts changerooms have been closed until further notice. Therefore please ensure you come dressed and ready to play.

In addition to the above, please continue adhering to our current contact tracing and hygiene requirements as set out in our Covid Safety Plan. This includes:

3. Attendance keeping – Coaches and Managers should ensure that they log team training attendance via our Jotform. Recording of matches take place via Matchsheets (iCompman).  Spectators are asked to log their attendance via the Service NSW App. QR Codes will be displayed throughout Bernie Mullane.

4. Sanitising stations – Please ensure that players and spectators sanitise frequently and at the very least before and after each game.

5. Social distancing – Please maintain social distancing while attending Bernie Mullane.

6. Stay home and get tested if sick – Please do not attend if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms. Stay home and get tested.  Do not return until you feel better and have a negative Covid test result.

7. Limit spectators wherever possible – Please only attend if you need to.

We will provide updated advice as often as is required.

Thank you for your continued support.